The Messerschmitt Bf 109 remained a standard fighter aircraft of the German Luftwaffe throughout the duration of the Second World War. And not just of the Luftwaffe, this type was a backbone and the most modern equipment of many Axis countries. That applied also to Finland which was thrusted to the war as a German ally just because the Soviet aggressor despicably had taken up a part of Finnish territorry in the so-called Winter war. The Mersu, as the Bf109Gs were coloquially know in Finland, were the most efficient piece of equipment the Finnish military had even long years after the war had ended, well into the 1950s.
The plastic parts originate in production of AZ model with new items added, featuring resin cast undercarriage wheels, exhaust stubs and photo-etched details both for the interior and exterior, bringing much higher levels of detail. The decal sheet offers three various Finnish schemes, two of which were used during the war and one depicting a post-war machine in rather colourful guise used during air races.