Japanese twin-engined aircraft of the WW2 era. The type was produced in four main versions, the pilot training version, navigator and wireless operator training, gunners training and also as in the transport and anti-submarine version. The model kit contains four styrene sprues and one with clear parts.
This kitset is a model of the transport version and offers markings for three Japanese airframes, one of which comes in two schemes. Amongs these aiframes is also a Ki-54 Hei / Hickory, c/n 5541, that due to the engine failure made a crash langing on the Towada Lake on 27 September 1943. The wreckage of this Hickory was recovered from the lake on 5 Sept 2021 and now is on display at the Misawa museum. Another machine with rather interesting past it that of the 10.Dokuritsu Hikodan Shirebu which was used to fly the surrender delegation led by LtGen Matsuo Baba to Borneo. The decal sheet also contains the capitulation markings for this very plane. The kit is now available once again, in a limited quantity though.
- never kitted before in styrene forma
- decals for machines with interesting history
- pre-cut masks also available